SummerSummerSummer:) it's happening. i'm in love with it. so far, summer has been quite enjoyable, as it should be due to the fact that it's summer. this summer i hadn't done too much until my dear friend bre and i decided to take a bit of a road trip to the lovely st. george:) some may not enjoy st. george as much as others, but it is quite the place to be when you don't want to deal with people..it's especially great when there is nobody on the third floor of your condo except yourself and your dear chummet:) anyhow, we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly while lounging by the pool, or snacking on cheap (but so delicious) potato/macaroni salad. that's how chum and i roll. simply i suppose. then one day we said to ourselves "hey..we've already driven this far...let's day trip it to vegas:)" and so we did. it was bloody hot, but we sure did have a lovely time. i used to hate vegas as a child. welp. not anymore. i almost live for shopping on the strip. however, aside from shopping, i also obtained many life skills. for instance, never be tricked into taking a survey for $35 dollars (it's not worth the time or effort it takes to get to that damn room). when someone asks you if you're gonna "hit the clubs", tell them you're 14. they'll back off. also, never pick a sweaty wedgie in front of drunken men.. get your hands off of me. people on the strip only let you take pictures with their parrots if you pay for it, and you can get a bottled water from random people for a buck. so after an eventful, and successful 5 hours in the city of Lost Wages (Bahahahahah learned that one from my 6th grade teacher), we were ready to head back to st. george. which leads me to my next topic. while traveling state to state, you see a lot of roadkill. and can i just say that i absolutely detest roadkill? it is most likely near the verrrrry top on my list of least favorite things. i was telling my dear companion of this as we continually passed poor, limp animal carcasses, and she laughed and said i should blog about it..so i am..even though she laughed about it.. because you know whaaaat? i'm an animal lover. i almost love baby animals more than baby humans. in fact, i just might. call me what you will..but hey, i just feel that poor little innocent rabbits and quails, and chipmunks, and other sweet and helpless creations should just not be pummeled by massive machines on wheels traveling at 85 miles an hour! come onnnn.. nobody stands a chance against that! let alone the little furry fellas just tryin to follow their mama's back to safety..and then bam!! dead. i just hate it. i just do i say. i say we should all do our part to lessen the amount of roadkill! that's all i ask. until i get the chance to travel to africa to save the world, that's all i've got. k seeyaa.
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